1. Oktober 2020
At the end of September, the HKPC (Hong Kong Productivity Council) organized an online conference and various online seminars to discuss SMEs‘ business transformation opportunities, the latest technologies, and future trends in the logistics, manufacturing, and trading industries.
Center Manager Christian Maasem gave a presentation as an expert on the future developments of Logistics 4.0 and the associated potential for Hong Kong in the context of an online seminar on September 30th. The presentation focused on the benefits of Logistics 4.0 for Hong Kong’s logistics, manufacturing and retail industries in the future of supply chain improvement.
The future development trend in the industry is intelligent manufacturing, which will lead to the further development of intelligent logistics, often referred to as Logistics 4.0. Adopting new knowledge and the latest technologies so as to migrate to Industry 4.0 and further to Logistics 4.0 is crucial to maintain Hong Kong’s world-leading position in logistics industry.
Benefits of Logistic 4.0:
Real–time integrated process optimization
Reduce the delivery time by advanced forecasting approaches
New transport concepts to manage the last mile delivery efficiency
Leverage the human planner for the disruptive events
We are looking forward to on-site discussion and application!