25. Februar 2019
Given the constant rise of digitalized business models and innovative technologies, more and more companies are forced to make difficult managerial decisions in a short time: How do we deal with this challenge? What exactly does it mean for the logistics industry? How could our company implement future-oriented logistic platforms to remain competitive?
During yesterday’s InnoCircle Meeting, members of the Center Connected Industry together with Medienhaus Aachen and BdKEP found answers to these and many other questions. After an exciting lecture by DIN on „Future and Urban Logistics“, Andreas Schumann, chairman of BdKEP, presented the current challenges and applicable standards of logistics, especially in the last mile. Thomas Wiegand, Managing Director of the IT provider i2solutions, approached the topic from a technical perspective in his brainteaser presentation. He introduced new platform concepts in the age of cloud computing ranging from monolithic systems to multi-cloud solutions.
The participating members of the Center Connected Industry, Deutsche Bahn, Ericsson, DIN, SICK, I2solutions and PSI, as well as the host companies BdKEP and Medienhaus Aachen, discussed how this could look like in practice. As a result, the participants agreed that the neutrality of the platform provider as well as the concept of the security by design are crucial in determining the relevant functions of such a platform. In a workshop the companies further identified which specific stakeholders would be involved – directly or indirectly – to ensure an integrated supply-chain management structure.
As a neutral marketplace, the target image for a logistics platform of the future developed here not only comprises the targeted provision of logistics services over the last mile, but also enables the provision of data-based value-added services that are made possible, for example, by the use of vehicle data.
We are looking forward to jointly developing and implementing the concepts and project ideas generated in this round together in the near future!