16. April 2019
For the eleventh time in a row, the „Suppy Chain Day“ took place this year at various locations in different countries all around the globe. At the Smart Logistics Cluster on the RWTH Aachen Campus numerous organizations, universities and companies from Germany and surrounding countries participated.
The motto for this year’s Supply Chain Day was „Logistics paves the way“. With this initiative, visitors had the unique opportunity to gain valuable insights and behind the scenes experiences into the complex world of supply chain management and production.
During the event, a wide range of activities were offered: Not only could visitors engage with companies and institutions during interactive presentations and workshops, but also did they get a chance to explore the world of logistics at career fairs and guided company tours – guaranteed to be something for everyone! At the end of the day, everyone was able to increase their knowledge about supply chain management and future applications of production and logistics.
The Center Connected Industry organized a guided tour through our innovation labs in cooperation with the Smart Logistics Cluster and the FIR at the RWTH Aachen. After an interactive presentation by project manager Marie-Christine Modler, participants solved real-life challenges of the Industrie 4.0 in a rapid prototyping workshop. In collaboration with our partner itelligence we provided them with a modular system of sensors equipped with specifically developed technolgies for the quick design of prototypes.
For example, we were able to build a prototypical warning system for the transport of hazardous goods in just a few minutes, using suitable sensor equipment from our modular technology system. This way, vehicles could be informed about potential dangers immediately.
Next year in April Supply Chain Day 2020 is going to take place all over the world initiated by German based BVL International (Bundesvereinigung Logistik). We are happy about the large number of participants this year and are looking forward to many more innovative events in the near future!